Reconditioned Equipment


Good for the Environment – Good for your Budget


Off Lease Machines

Light Used Trade-ins

Completely Inspected

Thoroughly Refurbished

Your source for Remanufactured copiers at a substantial savings! All copiers include warranties and are eligible for a service plan of your choosing. We have an experienced field service team and always provide a fast and reliable service response. Go Green, save Green! – help the environment by acquiring a pre-owned copier and save a bundle on your purchase too.

With our reconditioned equipment, you will experience the benefits of a like-new machine – at a price that is significantly less than new. You will also receive all the amenities of a new machine, such as flexible payment options, a great warranty and quick delivery.

We take great pride in each and every reconditioned machine we sell. From the major components, all the way down to the smallest detail, everything is focused on adding quality and integrity to our reconditioned copiers. By following our detailed reconditioning process, our technicians are able to consistently provide a top-notch reconditioned machine that looks and functions like new. We make sure that when these machines leave our facility they are in perfect working order and are ready to give you many years of reliable service.

Leases Start at only $45 per month. Call today to check on availability and pricing.